How much is a small vibro sifter
What is the price of a small-sized Vibro Sifter? Now the quotations given by the manufacturers on the market are uneven, which one has reference value? Why would such phenomenon happen? Below, the editor will answer the price of small Vibro Sifters for you, and why there is a huge price disparity.
The price of a small Vibro Sifter is 2000-12000 yuan/set
The stainless steel double-layer Vibro Sifter is more expensive than the carbon steel material. The double-layer Vibro Sifter is the same as the ordinary Vibro Sifter. The screen body is made of stainless steel and carbon steel. The stainless steel has a wide range of applications. It is directly related to human safety and health in food, medicine, etc. The industrial applications of the stainless steel double-layer Vibro Sifter are beautiful, tough and rigid, not easy to wear and deform, and have extremely high corrosion resistance. The carbon steel material is slightly inferior.
Body size affects price
Large-size double-layer Vibro Sifters consume more materials and are expensive; small-size double-layer Vibro Sifters use less materials and are relatively cheap.
Different accessories have different prices
The accessories of the double-layer Vibro Sifter are composed of vibrator, screen box, support frame, and transmission device. Each accessory is divided into different specifications, models and performances. Therefore, in the final assembly, the final price of the double-layer Vibro Sifter will vary depending on the accessories. There are differences and gaps.
Customized prices will fluctuate
The custom-made double-layer Vibro Sifter requires the user and the manufacturer to negotiate and communicate together. Because there will be many uncontrollable, unpredictable demands and other situations in the custom-made process, the price of the custom-made Vibro Sifter depends on the double-layer Vibro Sifter. The production process and the final effect.

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